The coins and notes most of us think of as being money now only form a staggeringly low 3-5% of the total money supply. (It was nearly 50% in the years after World War II) The remaining 96.5% consists of electronic and paper credit.
Physical money is printed/minted free of debt by the Government and circulated in the community. Credit on the other hand is created by banks and loaned out at interest.
This is the real cause of endemic inflation, as new "borrowed" money is continually required just for the payment of the interest. Why else should inflation have been negigible in the days when money was mostly of the physical kind?
It is this practice of Government borrowing which created the National Debt, now standing in excess of a trillion pounds! Interest on the Debt has risen steeply over recent years, in particular since 2008, and now consumes about £50 billion every year. Under current procedures Debt, interest and taxation must go on rising.